Tuesday, April 14, 2015

So much to post and so little time! LOL!

Emma is now a big Sister, her brother Josiah was born at 28weeks 2days at 3lbs 4oz and 16in long! He spent 60days in the same NICU as she did, with a lot of the same sweet nurses taking care of him!
We had a fairly uneventful stay, he needed very little to no O2 only lung support with bubble c-pap and then high flow. Getting off High flow was a challenge for him, but we were able to kick the flow before homecoming. He came home right before Christmas and was the very best Christmas present I could have recieved! He also came home breastfeeding all but 2 feeds that they wanted supplemented to 22cals. That was soon discontinued since he gains like a champ and now at 3mo adjusted and almost 6mo actual he weighs over 15lbs!! Here is a brief little glimpse of his NICU Stay:

 Josiah came out crying, and alert! He was looking all around, I got to see him before they took him to the warmer to evaluate him.
Adam was able to take this in the OR delivery room, before Josiah headed to the NICU
 Bubble C-PAP

 Such a different experience this time! This my ring that Emma held in her hand!
Jadyn and Kira got to come see Josiah in the NICU, they barely made the cutoff before cold/flu/RSV season.

This was supposed to be his coming home outfit! He outgrew it long before he came home!

Emma had an ultrasound and Urine analysis recently, which means she screamed and cried while I tried to hold her still so they could get pictures of her kidneys again. She did great going potty on the toilet into the catch! She has been potty training herself! She loves to go in and go with her cousin Korbin!

Adam took Emma to see the Nephrologist who said all looks great! Then tried to say see you in 6mo again. My sweet husband kindly asked, "WHY?" The last 3 ultrasounds have been perfectly clear of all signs of Nephrocalcinosis or stones and all urine cultures have been perfect. So the Nephrologist said, "Let's do blood work, and another urine sample. If that all comes back looking good, we can discharge her."
I got a call 3days later, and She has been DISCHARGED!!! Her kidney function is perfect!! Miracles are still happening with this little Mighty Miracle!
She is now 3years old, graduated from the Guilds' School and had to be reassessed by the school district.
It was so cute to watch her perform every task the OT placed in front of her!! The Speech and Cognitive evaluators just watched in amazement and laughed that there was no way she would qualify for services, but that they are sad they wouldn't get to work with her!
My favorite moment was when they gave her a puzzle to do: Emma can you do this puzzle? Emma took no time at all to complete the puzzle then said, "Look, I made a butterfly!"
Next came her PT eval. She did pretty good, with her braces on. As soon as we removed her braces though, I could see that the physical therapist was seeing all the things she needs to work on. Emma needed to work on Planning, slowing down and being safe, and stepping up stairs without holding on among other things that most 3 year olds can do. So we are doing a half an hour, once a week with Emma's favorite people Diana and Colleen! She has made huge improvements in the few months she has been going there.
I found out that insurance will cover private PT as well so she has also been going to Youthful Horizons for 1 hour every week. She does swimming ever other time and just recently she has been cut back to every other week. She is making such huge improvements that I don't think we will be going there much longer. She will miss the pool! She is fearless in the water! The very first time in it, she was jumping off the side! This last time her PT took off the floaties and Emma sat down into the water, and came up without sputtering at all! We will have to watch her very closely this summer in the pool at Grammies!
She is also eating canned fruit and lunch meat all of a sudden!! She ate a green bean, didn't like it but didn't spit it out and ate cooked broccoli and said it was yummy!! She still won't do corn.
She no longer needs to wear her braces!
She also recently had her eyes rechecked and they are perfect too!

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