Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Emma will soon be 19months old

Emma feeding herself

Emma will be 19months old on the 11th of this month! She is making great strides at getting caught up to her actual age in almost every way! She is 17lbs 6oz and 29in long. She can climb up and down stairs all by herself. She is taking 4-5 steps on her own before falling down (mostly because she thinks she can run and forgets to slow down!) She is still a happy little joy who amazes me every day! She just had re-evaluations with speech, OT, PT and Cognitive. Speech and Cognitive she scores at or above her actual age! PT she scores a little lower than her adjusted age (15mo), but mostly because she isn't walking independently quite yet and the test stops once 3 requirements aren't met. So she got no credit for her climbing skills. OT put her at or above her adjusted age! She will still be doing PT once a week and meet with the Speech therapist once a month due to her funny food choices.
Let me explain: Emma was eating pretzels just fine before she even got molars, crackers, chips, noodles, bread even meat don't bother her at all. She even started solids with them thickened. But she doesn't like  fruit or vegetables. She will eat them pureed but refuses them any other way. She is starting to at least taste them, and we play with textures and keep offering. That is why she still get's speech once a month. To continue to work on getting her to eat those things.
But like scooting on her bottom instead of crawling and before that rotating on her tummy and rolling everywhere Emma does things her own way in her own time!

This is Emma's new "thing" she uses it a lot! Usually it is a sign of frustration or that I am asking too much/ She does it a lot to Carrie (her physical therapist) when she tries to get her to try new things.  She cracks me up!

Here she is standing without holding on!
She is getting very brave!  She also loves climbing into chairs and sitting like a big girl. I am in awe of this beautiful miracle. Thank you all for your love and prayers! I have felt the love and support and I am thankful for Emma's Fans!!

Full of life and love! Can't imagine our lives without her!  We don't see the pediatrician again until her 2nd birthday, and we don't see nutrition again for 4months.  ENT in 4months as well, she still has some fluid, but we are waiting until then to decide about tubes. Her only other specialist is Nephrologist, but we are waiting to see the new one when he arrives. So sometime in September probably. Her last renal sonogram looked great only a little stone left so, hopefully we will be discharged at the next visit!
She is still tiny but she is almost in size 4 diapers, is wearing size 12m clothes and almost out of size 2 shoes. The tiniest part of her is her belly button, I don't know if it is a preemie thing or just and Emma thing, but it is still tiny!
This is February 2nd 2012 right after her ambilicle lines came out:

Here it is today at just under 19months:
Have a wonderful day!

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