Updates on Emma and Oliver
Born 1/11/12
1lb 4oz 11.5in
1lb 3oz 11in
1lb 4oz 11.5in
1lb 3oz 11in
First time on the monitors this pregnancy, hoping they don't put me on bedrest already!· 1/10/12 at 10:40am via mobile
Looks like I get to stay the night at the hospital tonight,
hope my babies stay put!· 1/10/12
at 3:55pm via mobile
Going to think good thoughts and try to relax, hoping there
will be no more bleeding tonight!· 1/10/12
at 9:08pm via mobile
Couldn't stop the contractions, Oliver born 5:00am vaginally. Emma born 6:05am c-section both in NICU but they are fighters!· 1/11/12 at 7:13am via mobile
Oliver Daniel Blake
Emma Claire Blake
Couldn't stop the contractions, Oliver born 5:00am vaginally. Emma born 6:05am c-section both in NICU but they are fighters!· 1/11/12 at 7:13am via mobile
Oliver Daniel Blake
Emma Claire Blake
Pace Please send your prayers and positive thoughts toward my
family. My sister, Daree
Blake delivered twins at just 23 weeks this morning. Oliver and
Emma are 1 lb 4oz & 3oz. They are beautiful babes and are so
strong. The Pace's always seem to have something exciting going on, I
guess you can't say we are a boring bunch! I just wish I could be
there for you Dar. I love you. · 1/11/12at 11:24pm
Thank you everyone! It means so much to me to have so much
love and support during this scary time! I love you all and I am
hoping I will have nothing but good news to report!· 1/11/12
at 11:17am via mobile
Thank you every one who have been praying for our babies.
Oliver developed major hemorrhage in his brain this morning, so he
passed away peacefully in my arms at 9am. Emma is still stable. ·
at 2:02pm via mobile
Today has been a long day, already. Emma has remained stable with good blood gasses. She is a wiggle worm and a little sassy too. Thank you everyone for your love and support through this whole ordeal. I feel the arms of my Savior wrapped around me, and I know that he is here at your requests!· 1/13/12at 11:51am via mobile
I got to help do Emma's care today! So I helped with her
tiny little diaper, check her temp and I got to hold her hand and
they moved the billy light, so I could see her face. She is precious!
· 1/13/12
at 10:53pm via mobile
Having a really hard time sleeping, can't tell if it's
because of the crying babies or the pure exhaustion that consumes me.
· 1/14/12at
6:02am via mobile
Adam got to do Emma's care this afternoon, got to put lotion
her very fragile skin, switch the o2 sensor to her other foot, check
her temp and she held his hand for a little while! Celebrating every
moment we get with her!I am home now, sore but glad to be out of that
hospital bed.· 1/14/12
at 4:58pm via mobile
Emma is still stable this morning, her nurse said she had a
good night. Adam and I will be there at noon to do her care. I miss
her so much bit I am thankful foe all of the nurses and drs taking
good care of her! · 1/15/12
at 8:38am via mobile
Emma's nurse called her a rock star tonight when Adam called! Her O2 is under 30%! That is the lowest yet for her! Blood gases have been good all day too! I can't wait to see her tomorrow at noon! · 1/15/12 at 10:08pm via mobile
Another great report this morning! Emma had a really good night! · 1/16/12 at 8:00am via mobile
It feels good to be able to do most of Emma's care when we are there! Her nurse said that she could tell Emma was glad we were there because she was much more animated! She is almost a week old! · 1/16/12 at 2:52pm via mobile
Had a great visit with Emma tonight! Her nurse said that Emma already has a fan club! She has a lot of spunk! We are almost to the point that we don't have to worry as much about the brain bleed with no change after this long! Tomorrow night we get to help weigh her, almost like holding her! · 1/16/12 at 9:42pm via mobile
Adam and I are having a rough morning. We both are so tired! Amazing how emotional stuff can make your body so sore! I even slept through a pumping time, not sure how I did that, I had an alarm set. · 1/17/12 at 6:53am via mobile
When I called the NICU, I got to talk to Emma's Dr this morning. Her BP is low so they are trying to figure out why. Please pray for her body to fix it's self so that no extra medication or surgery is needed!· via mobile 1/17/12at 7:38am
Thank you so much for the prayers! One fear has been eliminated! It is not the PDA so she will not need surgery or a scary medication to close it! Please pray now that the steroids heal her lungs and make her need for oxygen goes down! 1/17/12 via mobile
They are weaning Emma off the blood pressure medication and they stared the steroids. She was really fragile the whole time we were there. Hard to be optimistic when the alarms keep going off! But each time she recovered well. The nurse assured us that for her age she is doing miraculous! And that she has never seen a baby as young gestationally who didn't have the PDA problem. Emma is a miracle and you are all a part of it! · 1/17/12 via mobile
Happy One week Emma! She is almost completely the blood pressure medication and handling being touched very well according to Roy who is her nurse this morning. He said he put her through Roy bootcamp and she handled it great. He said he washed her and retaped her leads and slathered her up with the lotion. I can't wait to see her at noon! Oh and who knew that Mommy would get so excited about her first poop yesterday?! 1/18/12 via mobile
We had a wonderful visit with Emma today! Her new nurse cleaned her up and turned her over (pictures soon to come!) Got to see her all curled up on her tummy! She was breathing "room air" for most of our visit! The Steroids are buying us time for her lungs to get bigger, hopefully when they stop the steroids her lungs will be ready to do their job better! We got to see her x-ray today and it is amazing that her whole body is on one film! Her blood gas was the best that she has had! She handled care really well today too! I got to see that she has a little bit of dark hair, and it looks like she is trying to open those eyes! 1/18/12 at 3:24pm
We got to help change Emma's bedding this evening, and help weigh her. That means that we kind of got to hold her! She was breathing "room air" which means her O2 was down near 21%! She handled being moved around really well too! January 18, 2012 at 11:04pm
For all who can attend we are having a potluck to Celebrate Oliver's short but precious life at the stake center on Wellesley at 1 pm Sat. The 21st.January 19,2012 at 5:31pm
Please pray hard for Emma tonight, after having a wonderful morning, she is really having a tough time tonight. Pray that the Drs and nurses will know what to do to help her and that she will get through this ok! January 19, 2012 at 10:39pm
Emma is still doing good this morning, but she is going to have a "rest" day, so the nurse says she won't be touching her unless absolutely necessary. I am praying for Heavenly Father to encircle her in his arms of love and help to get her over this bump in the road. January 20, 2012 at 8:00am
Connor is having a rough morning, throwing lots of fits! He doesn't like to be told no! Yep he will be 2 in 4 months! January 20, 2012 at 9:41am
Emma is doing much better today! She is on a different ventilator and seems to be doing much better for now! She is off the steroid the next 24 hours are a test to see if she can breath well without them. She looks really good today! January 20, 2012 at 3:03pm
We had a good visit with Emma tonight! She handled care really well. We got to help weigh her again, so Adam and I got to lift her a little. She is right at Birth weight, 1lb 3oz. I love her so very much and hope that her little body handles all that lies ahead! I am having trouble fathoming her spending at least 4 months in the NICU it feels like an eternity. How am I supposed to balance home life and hospital life??? We looked at the gas gauge on the car, ouch a whole tank of gas in a week! January 20, 2012 at 10:08pm
My heart is heavy as I think about tomorrow, the finality of putting Oliver in the ground. It makes my heart ache to think that His siblings never got to meet him, but I think that we made the right decision for our kids not to have that image of him burned into their memories forever. They can see the pictures and know that he is real. I am praying for strength to be able to celebrate His life and not wallow in the sadness that he is gone.January 20 , 2012 at 10:11pm
A hard day just got harder, the Dr. Called and said that.Emma is having trouble today. Pray for her little lungs! January 21, 2012 at 9:30am
Headed to see Emma after a long hard day made a little sweeter by the outpouring of love that we felt as we gathered the celebrate Oliver's life! Oliver my son, my baby, Mommy loves you don't worry about me, do the work the Lord has called you home to do. January 21, 2012 at 3:55pm
Precious Emma is doing well tonight! Thank you for all of the prayers on her behalf. I think her little body gets weary in the early morning hours. She is a fighter and she is strong! I love holding her little hand! January 21, 2012 at 5:17p
Adam was able to lay his hands on Emma's head and give her a fathers blessing. I am so thankful for the priesthood and especially the priesthood holder in my home! January 21, 2012 at 7:10pm
Emma has had another wonderful day! Her little lungs like those steroids! They took out the umbilical line and put in the pic line, such a tiny little catheter, I have no idea how they are able to place it! She is looking more and more like a baby everyday less like a fetus! She should open her eyes any day now! January 22, 2012 at 9:17pm
I saw Emma at noon today and she looked great! The Dr is taking her off the antibiotics, he doesn't think she needs them. Also turning the humidity down in her bed. She seems to be doing well on the ventilator, and she tolerated care well to! January 23, 2012 at 6:30pm
Emma is a stinker! She gave us two little scares while we were visiting this evening, she doesn't like suction, so she holds her breath to punish us! Then decides to breath is kind of important. Personality in spades! January 23, 2012 at 8:50pm
Emma is a little love, we got to just spend a little time together this afternoon! My Mom read her "The Tiniest Warrior Of All," I read her a poem that I wrote her this morning. She got a transfusion today, that always makes her feel better too! January 24, 2012 at 4:55pm
Adam and I had a great visit with Emma tonight. She behaved herself perfectly during care! We got to weigh all 510 grams of her! And put the little blanky that Cynthia made her under her head! I love that little princess! It is hard to leave her there! January 24 , 2012at 9:58pm
Just talked to the nurse, Emma's blood gas was much better at 11 then it was at 8 while we were there! She hasn't had any desats since we left! January 24, 2012 at 11:56pm
Happy Two Weeks old to my Dear Baby Emma! She is going to have another echo on her heart, please pray that the PDA is closed still! January 25 , 2012 at 9:43am
Emma has had a good night! She does have that open PDA that we have to watch, but since it isn't symptomatic we aren't treating it. January 26, 2012 at 9:07am
PDA is Patent Ductus Arteriosis: when babies are in the womb their
blood is oxygenated by the placenta, not the lungs by this. When the
lungs start to do it the duct is supposed to close. If it doesn't
close then it puts unoxygenated blood in the heart, can cause blood
pressure issues and desats.
26, 2012 at 2:53pm
The highs and lows! High Emma opened one eye this morning! She looked
at me when I read to her! The Low:Dr. Has decided that our best
course of action is to do the surgery while she is stable. So she
will have that tomorrow afternoon. Please Prat for the surgeon and for
Emma! January
26, 2012 at 1:44pm
Surgery Day: Spent time with the kiddos at home this morning, snuggling in bed, playing under the covers and praying for Emma. Jadyn said the sweetest prayer she said, "thank you for allowing Emma and Oliver to be born into our family" She is such a love! Adam and I will head down to the hospital about 10:30ish and her nurse Wanda said we will be able to do her care early so that she can get ready for surgery. Wanda will be with her through the whole thing and give us updates. Then we should be able to go in to see her not long after recovery. I am thankful for a hospital equipped to take care of my little peanut in her bed, right there in the NICU! January 27, 2012 at 8:49am
Surgery Day: Spent time with the kiddos at home this morning, snuggling in bed, playing under the covers and praying for Emma. Jadyn said the sweetest prayer she said, "thank you for allowing Emma and Oliver to be born into our family" She is such a love! Adam and I will head down to the hospital about 10:30ish and her nurse Wanda said we will be able to do her care early so that she can get ready for surgery. Wanda will be with her through the whole thing and give us updates. Then we should be able to go in to see her not long after recovery. I am thankful for a hospital equipped to take care of my little peanut in her bed, right there in the NICU! January 27, 2012 at 8:49am
Surgery is delayed, will update when I know what time she will have
it, still will be today.January
27, 2012 at 11:51am
I got to kiss my sweet baby Emma's head for the very first time today! I cried like a baby! January 27, 2012 at 11:58am
Emma is now in surgery. January 27, 2012 at 2:32pm
Dr came out, but he didn't let us know how it went. Sure if something went wrong he would have told us.January 27, 2012 at 3:32pm
Emma did great during surgery! Needed to be done! I guess it was extra large as big as her aorta! January 27, 2012 at 3:49pm
The just turned down the ventilator settings, so already her lungs and heart are able to do their jobs better! I guess this is the "honeymoon" period, in about 12 hours she might get worse as her body realizes what just happened. But they are watching her very closely and we are sticking around until the Dr lets us know she is out of the woods so to speak. January 27, 2012 at 4:43pm
They just turned the vent down again! She is doing great! Adam and I are trying to eat at PF Chang's, but there is a long wait for a table. Oh well, the nurses know how to get a hold of us! January 27, 2012 at 6:41pm
Thank you everyone for your prayers! January 27 , 2012at 6:42pm
Emma's chest tube is out, she is healing nicely! January 28, 2012 at 12:45pm
So with all the surgery madness, and worry, I forgot to post that Emma's left eye has opened, she can look at us with both eyes now! In other news they changed her ventilator back to the oscillator to help her lungs a little better, kind of a step backward, but for the best. The Dr said he will start a small amount (literally a drop) of breast milk either today or tomorrow to see how her body handles it. January 29, 2012 at 1:26pm
Went to see Emma today at care time only to be told by the nurse that she did it early. Emma's chest x-ray looked a little better but they are doing another at 8 hopefully it will be even better then. My heart aches when I leave her, it aches as I stare at her! I feel so helpless.January 29, 2012 at 5:39pm
They are keeping Emma pretty medicated, so that she doesn't fight the ventilator. Seems to be working. Jadyn and I are at the Dr. She has a nasty cough and fever. I wont get to see Emma until later, if at all today. Even Adam came home from work to sleep today. I think we are all just tapped out! January 30, 2012 at 10:58am
Emma now weighs 680 grams that is 1lb 8oz! Grow Baby Grow! Tomorrow gestationally she is 26weeks, who would have thought three weeks ago that this journey was about to begin? Not me! She is having a much better night so far! Hopefully we are over the worst of the recovery!January 30, 2012 at 9:40pm
Not loving this roller-coaster ride, "stable" is good but not very comforting! January 31, 2012 at 10:11am
Just got back from hanging out with Emma! She behaved herself nicely! Her blood pressure dropped a little while I was pumping. When I placed my hands on her it came back up! Made me feel important :-) I love that little lady!January 31, 2012 at 3:22pm
Adam and I visited with our little lady tonight and she was really good tonight! The nurses were talking about how amazing she is. Something we found out yesterday is when Emma was rushed out of the operating room, they could hear her crying. She is a miracle! That is true beyond any doubt! February 1, 2012 at 8:47pm
Big day for Emma today umbilical line coming out and mamma's milk going in starting tonight at 10!February 1, 2012 at 1:15pm
Happy 3 weeks Emma! 720 grams! February 1, 2012 at 1:27pm
Urgh!!! Because Emma had to be on her back so long this afternoon after getting that line out of her belly button they had to give her the paralytic to help her breath better. Thus no food tonight :-( But our visit was nice, not one desat while we were there! February 1, 2012 at 9:15pm
I got to be there when Emma got fed! .5mL every 6 hours to get her gut to wake up! We shall see, this is "the next big hurdle" that we have to get over. February 2, 2012 at 12:25pm
Emma had a hard day today so our care was short but sweet, she had the tape on her face redone, the food tube put down her nose and a couple of small feeds as well as a new place to draw her blood from and give her meds. While we were watching her we noticed she had the hiccups! Luckily I brought the camera so we recorded it! February 2, 2012 at 9:00pm.
Holding my baby girl in my arms today set me on memory road! She has come so far! The Dr. thinks CPAP will be needed for a week or two longer but that she is doing great for her gestation! 31weeks yesterday! 8weeks old today! 3/7/12 at 1:19pm
Adam held Emma for the first time tonight! She did great! So did He! Emma weighs 1040g 2lbs 5oz! She handled us dressing her up tonight too! 3/7/12 at 10:30pm
This is for Auntie Jill!
Adam and I visited Emma together at 5, thank you Mommy for watching our kids! She slept the whole time, nothing sweeter than a baby sleeping soundly on my chest! We get to make another trip to the window tomorrow, the kids will be so happy when we tell them! April 7, 2012 at 6:48pm
Emma weighed 2060g (4lbs 8.5oz)last night, and tonight weighs 2100g(4lbs 9oz) she only has 20 more grams to gain before she has quadrupled her birth weight!! She is keeping her temperature up and even getting too warm when the nurse bundles her too much! She will be 36weeks gestationally on Tuesday! That is what Jadyn was when she was born! Wednesday she will be 13 weeks old and I am so proud of my baby! You can tell that she wants to eat, she is nursing really well for a beginner and hopefully she will be ready to go down on the pressure more so that we can really get down to business on getting her ready to come home!!! April 8, 2012 8:38pm
My kids were singing songs to Oliver all morning, how they love him, miss him and wish he was here. Jadyn prayed the other day that "the resurection would happen while she is still alive", And Kira keeps asking my why he had to die. He is definately not forgotten in this home. 13 weeks ago He was alive inside me, kicking and hiccupping. I am so thankful for eternal families and the comfort that brings! April 9, 2012 9:45am
Emma weighed 2060g (4lbs 8.5oz)last night, and tonight weighs 2100g(4lbs 9oz) she only has 20 more grams to gain before she has quadrupled her birth weight!! She is keeping her temperature up and even getting too warm when the nurse bundles her too much! She will be 36weeks gestationally on Tuesday! That is what Jadyn was when she was born! Wednesday she will be 13 weeks old and I am so proud of my baby! You can tell that she wants to eat, she is nursing really well for a beginner and hopefully she will be ready to go down on the pressure more so that we can really get down to business on getting her ready to come home!!! April 9, 2012 11:56pm
My baby took a full feed plus a mL at 2:00am!!! A FULL FEED, by mouth!!!!! Before that the most she had taken by mouth was 12mL a full feed is 39mL! Dr. I turned down her flow to 2L on her high-flow nasal cannula. I am hopimh she will ne on the regular cannula by next week!! April 9, 2012 3:45pm
Emma's second bath: April 9, 2012
Emma has quadrupled her birthweight and then some!! 1250g 4lbs 12oz!!!!! She didn't wake up to nurse at 11 hopefully she will tonight! She is at 2.5L on her flow and still spending most of her time at room air. Lots of new roommates today, two very new babies and a baby from a room across the hall. Have't gotten to meet the parents yet. Emma hasn"t been moved, not once since she moved in 13 weeks ago tomorrow! She is 36weeks gest today!! April 10, 2012 at 1:14pm
1280g tonight 4lbs 13oz! She was wide awake tonight and breastfed pretty well. I got to hold her during her breathing treatment and all the way through to her next care. Adam called the NICU to make sure I was ok. And yes I was great! I love snuggling with my Em! April 11, 2012 at 12:13am
When I walked into Emma's room, her nurse Gloria, was organizing Emma's things into her new bassinet!! She is in a big girl bed!!! I am going to start offering her a bottle after beeastfeedimg to see is we can build up her stamina! Our goal is to get her to take all of her food (when I am there) by breast or bottle!! She took 4mLs from the bottle after a really great nursing session! The OT listened to Emma with the stethescope while nursing and she says Emma has mature suck!! Suck, swollow, breath every time!!! April 11, 2012 at 1:15pm
Emma was back 2150g tonight, but it could be the new scale (the bed became a scale in her old bed). She breastfed and then took 17mL from a bottle, she seemed full so we didn't give her anymore through her feeding tube. I am excited that she met her goal on the day that we made it! April 11, 2012 at 11:58pm
At 11 my Mommy came with me to visit Emma, she helped with care and then I nursed Emma. She did great and then took 20mL, so no gavage!! Again tonight no gavage!! She wasn't really into nursing but took 33mL from the bottle!! She didn't gain any weight, hopefully she will gain tomorrow night! April 12, 2012 at 9:45pm
Emma is such a big girl! On Regular Cannula!! April 13, 2012 at 11:07am
Emma nursed for 20mins then her nurse, Wanda, extracted it to see how much she got! She pulled out 25mL!!!!! That means that she got a little bit more than that!! Then she ate 28mL from the bottle!! That is more than what a "full" feed is!! She is on the regular cannula and doing great with it! I am so excited for my little lady to be progressing towards home!! April 13, 2012 at 3:46pm
Daddy feeding Emma for the first time! He is a pro already! April 13, 2012 at 8:33pm
did gain weight today: 100grams!!!!! She is 4lbs 14.7oz!!!! Daddy gave
her her bottle and even though she nursed for a while she took almost
her full feed amount!! Oh yeah and she had NO DESATS on room air while
we were there, in fact when I pulled the blanket back when I got here
there tonight and her cannula was oxygenating her eyes and she was
satting 100. I am so excited, she is amazing! April 13, 2012 at 10:10pm
was wide awake the whole time and even though she got more than she
normally eats, she was still rooting when we put her back to bed. I was
just watching her, her nurse Karyn said I could try to nurse her again. I
had no problem scooping up my baby and snuggling her again. She didn't
want to nurse so I gave her her binkie and cuddled her close! She
looked at me and then closed her eyes and went
to sleep. I also checked her A's and B's sheet and the last one she had
was last night! Dr. I also wrote on her chart that we may start
experimenting with her coming off of the caffeine and slowly weaning
down to get rid of the cannula all together! The discharge nurse also
asked me what school district we live in and who Emma's Pediatrician is
going to be. All very good signs that she is doing so much better! April 13, 2012 at 11:01pm
and I got to go yard saling today!! Fun stuff! Emma has had a really
great day! She nursed her entire feed at 2, then took her entire feed
from a bottle when Daddy was there at 5 amd then ate her entire feed
from a bottle again when I went at 8!! They tried to wean her down to on
the cannula from 1L to .5L and she wouldn't have it! Lots of desats! So
she will stay at 1L for a little while longer. My sweet girl is having a
lot more awake time, it is fun to see the faces she makes. April 14, 2012 at 9:42pm
I am pleased to announce that my baby is 5LBS!!!! That's right!!! She is 16inches long! Emma will be 37week gestationally on Tuesday, Kira was born at 37weeks and she was 5lbs and only one inch longer!!! April 15, 2012 at 10:07am
Emma's doctor today came in joking with me that if she keeps this up they may have to send her home! As of today, she is off caffeine, epogen(sp?) it's for anemia, and iron!!!!! He said that all of her recent apneas are obstructive so she hopefully she has grown out of her central apneas!! We will find out as the caffeine gets out of her system (about a week). She is going to be working on taking all of her feeds by breast or bottle in the next few days! And just so I am ready, I am taking the discharge class tomorrow. They can't accuse me of holding up the show!! April 16, 2012 at 4:34pm
Emma is a little stinker she had a pretty bad, brief apnea on me tonight. She nursed really well before that and took 10mL by bottle, she was probably done after breastfeeding and got too comfy on me! She weighs 5lbs 1.5oz and took three feeds in a row by mouth today!!! April 16, 2012 at 10:10pm
Emma nursed great today! She zonked out after and I got to hold her for an hour. I had to put her down so that I could eat. Her eyes are getting checked again! I am hoping that everything looks good! April 17, 2012 at 1:06pm
Emma's eye exam went well. She still has some maturing to do but so far she still just has the mild ROP, it is very good that it hasn't progressed. Another exam in two weeks. April 17, 2012 at 2:53pm
Emma weighs 5lbs 2oz! We are stepping up her feeds she will only be getting two or three gavage feedings in a 24hour period! I am hoping that she handles that well and doesn't need the feeding tube much longer! April 17, 2012 at 9:50pm
Emma is 14weeks! April 18, 2012 at 9:22am![Photo: Another cute outfit from Auntie Jill and Uncle Jeff!](https://sphotos-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/p480x480/72976_10150643492976933_1570167351_n.jpg)
We are trying .8L on her cannula...hopefully that will go well! I got to sit and hold her for a while after her meal and it was so comforting feeling her breathe. I can't wait to have her home with out all of the beeps and dings of the NICU interupting my snuggle time. April 18, 2012 at 2:54pm
I know it is totally irrational but I am really upset they are moving Emma to a new room tonight! April 18, 2012 at 9:56pm
just got a phone call that now she is not going to be moved, at least
not tonight. Her nurses don't want her moved either. Thank you Melissa
for the thin mints they are helping! April 18, 2012 at 10:44pm
Sleepy girl!
5lbs 4oz growing big! She is going to start a Dr. Brown's bottle with a preemie nipple, she is breathing a little too fast for our liking. It could be that she is just compensating because she is working harder than she has before. Also her blood pressure is a little high, we're going to watch it. Tomorrow is 100days, can't believe how far she has come! April 19, 2012 at 8:19pm
The new room doesn't bother her! April 20, 2012 at 12:47pm
Emma is 100 days old today! The NICU staff moved her to a different room this morning. I will be really glad when I get to make decisions for my baby! April 20, 2012 at 7:16pm
Emma was really alert tonight, she nursed well and then I put her in a new outfit and did a little photo shoot. We got new footprints, hard to believe she is the same girl! April 20, 2012 at 10:27pm
My Daddy convinced me to take some time for myself today, we went up to Quinn hotsprings, it was great! Jadyn and Kira came with Daddy, Chelsy and I! So relaxing! April 21, 2012 at 6:06pm
I rushed down as soon as I got back from the hot springs to see Emma, she was totally asleep but when I rolled her over she woke right up and started trying to eat her blanket. Then for her 8:00 care we started with weight 5lbs 7oz and then I gave her a bath, all by myself!!!!! It was so good for this Mommy's heart! She did awesome! We are still working up to bottle or breast at every feed, but we are getting closer! April 21, 2012 at 11:02pm
Mmm...milk is yummy!
Emma woke up to eat at 5 when Adam and I got there to see her! She hadn't done that today once. Her nurse said that she was a little puffy this morning and that could mean that she wasn't feeling too good. Her nurse tonight, though had better luck! Emma ate more than her whole feed amount in 20mins! The Dr. ordered an ultrasound on her kidneys for tomorrow to see if that is causing her high blood pressure. I am hoping that is not the problem. Both of the nurses from today think that she just needs a little diuretic and that will make her feel better, and help with many other things! She was up 15g tonight. April 22, 2012 at 9:45pm
PaPa Denny's first time holding Emma! April 23, 2012 at 5:56pm
Emma is down in Intermediate NICU! We are changing things up! She is 17.5inches and 2480g. April 24, 2012 at 12:07am
Kira and Zoe both wore this outfit!
Yesterday Emma's Dr. also ordered and echo on her heart to see if that could be causing her high blood pressure. The report came in late last night that her heart ventricles are slightly enlarged. Now the question is whether that is the cause or the effect of the HBP. Hopefully the dr. will have more info for me today. Also the "step down unit" is nice, very quiet and I got to sit in a rocking chair. I got to weigh her and measure how long she is all by myself and sit and snuggle after she ate for a long time! They are going to keep core staff as her nurses since they know Emma. Her nurse said she was going to try to wean her to .5L last night, also switch to a feed on demand (or every 4 hours) schedule. I don't know how I am going to be there when she needs me, but we need to get her eating all of her food so she can come home! She has officially been off the caffeine for 7 days, hopefully she has grown out of the apnea, her last central one was on the 19th! April 24, 2012 at 7:16am
Dr. I thinks the enlarged ventircles are consistant with Emma's long time on the cortizone steroid, and that her blood pressure will even it's self out as she gets older. No results back from the kidneys ultrasound, but he doesn't think they will fund anything surprising there. Just going to keep an eye on the bp and keep plugging along. April 24, 2012 at 3:54pm
Emma passed her hearing test!!!! April 24, 2012 at 9:42pm
Emma is 2510g=5lbs 8oz tonight! She ate well while her nurse,Teresa, and I discussed what a miracle she is! We are hoping that while Teresa is on vacation we will get discharged. Trying not to get my hopes up though. April 24, 2012 at 9:49pm
weighs 5lbs 10oz tonight!! Her head grew half a centimeter and she
nursed for a long time! We are going to see if a 4hr schedule will work
better for her, that way she sleeps longer and is more alert when it is
time to eat.
Who in Spokane has a pediatrician they love? I need to pick one for Emma.April 25, 2012 at 11:08pm
So Emma is having a bunch of blood work and other tests because of something they saw on the renal ultrasound. She will probably just have to be monitored for a while to make sure it doesn't become symptomatic! Teresa made signs for above Emma's bed tonight, so that if she gets any new nurses they wont over react or under react to stuff that she does all the time! April 25, 2012 at 11:17pm
Today the LIGHT at the END of the TUNNEL was switch ON!!!! Emma has taken all of her feeds by mouth for 24hours. The Dr. said to me today, "I am really impressed with Emma's progress. But I don't trust her, so it will probably be Monday or Tuesday." I just stared at her like she wasn't speaking English. Then Emma's nurse reminded the Dr. that Emma still has some pretty scary spells and needs a little extra O2 occasionally. The Dr. then said, "Oh, I thought she was closer to getting off the O2" then she says, "I would rather not send you home with O2, when she is so close! If I send her home on O2 then it goes in slow motion and it takes months to come off of it. But in the next week or so, I think she will be ready!" April 26, 2012 at 5:50pm
I got to nurse Emma two feedings in row and she did great! She is trying out her rock n play sleeper! She was a little sleepy lastnight and had two gavage feedings, but I am hopeful we will get rid of that feeding tube soon! April 27, 2012 at 5:54pm
![Photo: Sleeping Beauty](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/33966_10150672623631933_1260522156_n.jpg)
Emma was 5lbs 12oz lastnight and tonight she is 5lbs 14oz!!! Crazy how close she is to 6lbs already!! She has been eating well and last night she went an hour and a half without the oxygen!! She had taken it out of her nose on her own so the nurse left it out!! She did great until it was time to eat again! I am hoping that the bad desats are a thing of the past! When I got there this afternoon she was wide awake waiting for me! You know your baby is doing good when the nurse has her in her lap when you get there!! April 28, 2012 at 9:13pm
![Photo: Not ready to come home yet! But getting closer!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/p480x480/523200_10150675009336933_1409952123_n.jpg)
![Photo: Great Grandma Beth holding Emma for first time!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/552783_10150675011111933_2098596254_n.jpg)
Adam's Grandma held/met Emma for the first time! Emma even smiled at her! She ate well and then had a brady on me then I burped her and she nursed on the other side until she brady'd again. That time was not good :-( oh well she is doing amazing for how early she was born and she isn't even to her due date yet! April 29, 2012 at 7:51 pm
6lbs!!!!! April 29, 2012 at 10:23pm
![Photo: Messy hair](https://sphotos-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/p480x480/527467_10150676760321933_244911395_n.jpg)
Adam called to check on Emma at 5:30 since he didn't get to go see her this afternoon, Dr. L changed the way she is getting O2 today so we wanted to know how her feeding went. Her nurse Wendy said she was doing so great that she turned off the O2!!!!! So at least for a while she has been off the oxygen!!! That is HUGE! We will see how it goes but that is definitely a step in the right direction! April 30, 2012 at 6:59pm
Emma had a great day today! They changed some things up which means we are on the path to home!! She nursed great tonight after I gave her another bath all by my self! She loved it! She was down 15g today, but she gain 2oz each the last 3 days so I am not worried!! April 30, 2012 at 10:46pm
Dr. Shay (Emma's opthamologist) said "Well she has beaten the odds, her eyes look great!!!" NO ROP!!!!! Miracle!!! May 1, 2012 at 3:42pm
This NICU journey has taught me a lot of things, one thing that always gets me though is the Rollercoaster one day she is doing wonderfully, the next she is getting bagged again....I just wish I could be there more. It feels like I have my feet planted on quicksand!! And they moved her again without calling me. May 1, 2012 at 10:05pm
In my worry for my baby I forgot to tell you she weighed 6lbs 2oz lastnight! I may have a 7 or 8 lb baby when she comes home! May 2, 2012 at 7:28am
Auntie Jill came with me for my 12:30 visit today! She got to see Emma in the out fit her and Jeff got her! So Cute!! And I even snuck Emma into her arms for a few quick seconds!! Emma nursed well and then slept on me for a while. Not one desat for me! Just a reminder that she is close, but not ready yet! May 2, 2012 at 5:23pm
Emma had a great night and she nippled her whole feed for her nurse, Kathy this morning! I can't wait to see her at 12:30! Connor is two today! I can't believe that 2 years ago today I had the BEST VBAC ever! They laid him on my chest and that is where he stayed for almost 3 hours! My sweet little man, every day he makes me smile! May 3, 2012 at 10:04am
Emma's nurse decided to be brave and took her nasal cannula off at 10:30 this morning!! She did great for me during her care and even nursed perfectly without it!!!!! Adam will be there for her 4:30 meal, I am hoping she will still be off of it!!!!!!! May 3, 2012 at 2:52pm
Emma has been off nasal cannula for 12hours and doing pretty well without it! She was a stinker for Daddy when he tried to give her a bottle, but nursed well for me tonight! She is self correcting and that is a very good thing! I am hoping that she takes a bottle well for her nurse Lori tonight! May 3. 2012 at 10:54pm
Emma ate two if her three meals completely and a little over half of the third by bottle last night!!! She has still been off the O2 except for during eating!!!!!! I am bursting with pride for my little warrior! May 4, 2012 at 8:17am
![Photo: Now I'm awake Mom, let's play!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/535528_10150716300131933_278317629_n.jpg)
Grammie Lori held Emma for the first time!
Highs and Lows are not yet a thing of the past! Emma took her bottle great this morning, then nursed wonderfully for me at 12:30, but between then when Adam got there at 4:30 she had a really bad spell then a couple of not so great ones. Adam held her as her feed was given through her tube. My heart is aching!!! May 4, 2012 at 6:01pm
I got up early to pump and Adam said if you hurry you can make it up for Care at 8:30, so I got ready quick and headed up to see my girl! She was sleeping soundly on her belly! I turned her over and she gave me a little "what?" look! Then decided she was hungry! She took her whole bottle and stayed awake looking at me and cooing! Even when I was leaving and had her all tucked in she was still wide awake! May 5, 2012 at 10:57am
Last night it finally happened. What I was worried about down at intermediate!! I had a (new to us) nurse treat me like a newbie! She even used the word overstimulated (luckily not referring to Emma or I would have bit her head off!!) Katie and Eric know what I am taking about!!!! The nurse had me give her a small amount of milk in a bottle first thing because Emma has some vitamins and medicine she has to take, she ate that great but then it took me 10-15 mins to convince her she was still hungry thankfully she did eventually nurse well. We snuggled for a while then I tucked her in! May 6, 2012 at 7:34am
6lbs 6oz and 18 1/2inches long!! Now bigger and longer than any of my other babies!! May 7, 2012 at 11:05am
Tomorrow is the due date I got when I had my first ultrasound at 7 weeks, that is when Adam and I were surprised to find out there were two babies! As of tomorrow Emma is considered 'at term' and we go off of that for developemental milestones. So at 17weeks actual she will finally be 1 day adjusted this Wednesday!! She is still working on taking all of her food my breast or bottle. I am going to spend tomorrow with my little girl! May 7, 2012 at 4:46pm
6lbs 8.5oz tonight! She nursed well, and then we snuggled for a while. She holds her head up pretty well and kept looking at me. She is such a smart little lady! She didn't want anything to do with the fortified milk I tried to give her because she was still rooting a little. May 7, 2012 at 11:40pm
![Photo: Emma in her boob hat! Love it!!!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s320x320/581623_10150756658156933_1968567650_n.jpg)
![Photo: 6lbs 8.5oz!!!](https://sphotos-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s320x320/385660_10150756659056933_864924564_n.jpg)
![Photo: I'm hungry Mother!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s320x320/485749_10150756660881933_898453668_n.jpg)
Wow, it is a beautiful morning! The sun is shining! Heavenly Father is reminding me that everything is going to be alright!!! Happy Due Date Emma!!! I miss you Oliver, I wish that my pregnancy had gotten closer to this day so that you could be here with us to celebrate!!! I am so glad that I am able to celebrate and not only have the sorrow that could consume me! May 8, 2012 at 6:37am
![Photo: Spending time with Mommy today!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/p480x480/577212_10150758036791933_1210592742_n.jpg)
Princess Emma doesn't like the stuff they are adding into her milk, so we are going to try something new! I am hoping she like it! If she starts eating all of her food then we can go home!!!! May 8, 2012 at 3:20pm
She ate much better from a bottle for me at. 4:30 so hopefully that will continue and we can soon be homeward bound! May 8, 2012 at 5:30pm
Emma just ate her whole feed amount!!!! And she gained 20g! May 8, 2012 at 9:52pm
Due to Emma's slightly elevated blood pressure the plan is when she is eating all of her food to send her home on O2, until the Blood pressure comes back down. She will be seeing a cardiologist, nephrologist and and ENT along with developmental therapists and her pediatrician! So much for life getting back to normal when she comes home! Not complaining, just stating fact! May 9, 2012 at 3:54pm
Emma's little neighbor is going home tomorrow, he was next to her in room 3 and recently in intermediate. I am happy they get to take him home at last! Hard to watch another baby go home who was born so long after Emma, but I know it will be my turn soon! Emma is 6lbs 9.3oz tonight! She was awake and making noise when I arrived! She nursed for 35mins. I wish that she didn't need the extra calories so I could breastfeed all of the time! May 9, 2012 at 10:12pm
![Photo: Loving snuggles!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/p480x480/530386_10150763392316933_2106897829_n.jpg)
Dr. I called to give me an update basically the same stuff, I asked about letting Emma eat more on her own schedule. He was hesitant until I reminded him that she nurses well. He then said why don't we plan on having you room in and see how she does for you!? I am so excited! Adam and I are going to be trained on the home oxygen and home apnea monitor tomorrow afternoon, then I will be spending some quality time convincing my daughter that food is important some time this weekend!! I am nervous and freaking out a little! Ok, A LOT! May 10, 2012 at 5:18pm
I gave Emma a bath tonight, there is a special contoured sink and warming bed with oxygen available, makes it easy for me to do that all by myself! She nursed really well but was still rooting, then took 20mL by bottle! She was still awake when I left. I hate leaving her when she is awake! She is 6lbs 10oz 3030g!!! That is more than 5 times her birth weight!!! May 10, 2012 at 10:37pm
I am feeling very unsettled right now...ins/medicaid issues and well that is just the tip! May 11, 2012 at 11:40am
Hopefully crisis is averted!! When in doubt call the social worker! Everyone took care of everything and I didn't have to sit on hold for hours!!! I got a call from the home apnea and O2 company, they said that the supplies they were droppimg off today at the hospital would be $1000 my share. I reminded her about medicaid and was told that Emma isn't coming up eligible!?!? All fixed, but wow, I was stressed!!! May 11, 2012 at 2:08pm
![Photo: It fits!! Thank you Melissa!!](https://sphotos-a-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/p480x480/560699_10150765977771933_31914499_n.jpg)
![Photo: Pretty girl, no feeding tube! She pulled it out.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/p480x480/579488_10150766376006933_1314927041_n.jpg)
Grr.. just called to check on Emma and they nurse put her feeding tube back in. Emma only took 50mL of her 80. But she was up 15 grams and just sleeping away. I spent most of the day with her today! I went up for her care at 12:30, she was pretty sleepy, but I got her to eat 10mL from a bottle with her calcium in it, then she nursed great! I held her for a long time then tucked her into bed. I sat in the rocking chair by her bed and the next thing I knew the nurse was waking me up to let me know that the oxygen and apnea monitor lady was there. Adam and I were trained on her monitors and the oxygen tank. Then we practiced on Emma. Then I stayed for her 4:30 care. I got her to take 71mL of her 80mL bottle. She is getting better! I am excited to room in with her tomorrow night and possibly Sunday night too! Pray that she eats well and gains weight, oh and doesn't have any bad spells! Then maybe, just maybe I will be able to bring my baby home soon! May 11, 2012 at 10:41pm
I am pumping after Adam's and my first night with our daughter, mostly to ourselves! When we arrived at 8 Emma was mad! She hadn't taken her full feed amount at 4:30 and she was sure that was my fault! She nursed for 20 mins, then took her vitamins out of a bottle and started rooting again! We gave her 20mL more and she took all of that too! Then when we were getting settled in our room she demanded 20mLs more! She slept great until 2:30 and ate her whole bottle. Then nursed for 15mins at 6:30 this morning! With all of the monitors and oxygen when she does come home it is kind of like bringing the hospital home with us. May 13, 2012 at 7:35am
On this Mother's Day I am reflecting on what it means to be a mother. All women have the inate ability to be mothers, even if they are never able to have children of their own. Aunties and friends are just as important in the loving and raising of children! I love how in church all women 18 and up are honored on Mother's day! Sad that I am missing church today, but happy I am spending the day with Emma! May 13, 2012 at 9:26pm
3095g tonight lastnight she was 3055g so she gained even though she hasn't eaten the optimal amount they want her to! Tomorrow she will get a repeat echo to see if the enlarged ventricles have changed any. And hopefully the cardiologist will tell us his theories on her high blood pressure. May 13, 2012 at 10:35pm
![Photo: So sleepy! I like hanging out with my Mommy and Daddy!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/p480x480/531313_10150772452951933_1522882112_n.jpg)
Sucks to be leaving the hospital without my baby, again, but at least we got to spend the weekend together! She is sooo close to being ready! May 14, 2012 at 7:07am
They haven't kicked me out yet, I am hoping to spend most of today with Emma too! Dr. I is going to consult with the cardiologist after Emma's echo today, hoping the news is good! May 14, 2012 at 11:38am
I get to spend the night with my baby again tonight! It was a great day today! We haven't heard from the cardiologist yet. But no news is good news at this point. Tomorrow we should get cleared on her eyes. May 14, 2012 at 11:57pm
Emma is doing her car seat test, then has an eye exam at 3. As long as the opthamologist doesn't find anything alarming I get to TAKE MY BABY HOME!!!!!! I have packed up all of her things, they had better not find a way to keep her!!!! May 15, 2012 at 12:27pm
![Photo: Car seat test!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/292679_10150775974681933_1083908378_n.jpg)
![Photo: Ready for home!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/560390_10150776799851933_657786147_n.jpg)
As we drive away from the hospital I feel like a covert operative: The eagle has flown, we are on the move! May 15, 2012 at 5:15pm
HOME!!!! May 15, 2012 at 5:36pm
Emma born at 23weeks has now come home with her family! Just one week past her due date!!! 18 weeks old! 125 days in the NICU! From 1lb 3oz to 6lbs 14oz!! Her siblings are smitten! Connor especially! May 15, 2012 at 6:51pm
Giant oxygen tank-check,
Apnea monitor-check
Pulse oximeter-check
Portable oxygen tanks-check
We brought the hospital home with us! But we are finally all under the same roof! Emma seems to enjoy all of the attention May 15, 2012 at 8:00pm
![Photo: Daddy taking Emma downstairs, apnea monitor and portable o2 tank in tow!](https://sphotos-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s320x320/399070_10150778182926933_542924583_n.jpg)
![Photo: Kira loving some sister time!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s320x320/294960_10150778913911933_245335614_n.jpg)
![Photo: She likes her soft changing pad!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s320x320/149310_10150778095036933_249927575_n.jpg)
![Photo: Perfectly peaceful!](https://sphotos-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p480x480/546009_10150783970486933_1777895080_n.jpg)
LOVE this <3
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